All Guests and Members must read and agree to the rules and standards listed below.
1. Respect
Be respectful and courteous at all times. There is zero tolerance for bullying, discrimination, harassment or hate speech anywhere on any TCG servers.
2. Privacy
Members and guests' private information is just that, private. Any attempt to dox or expose an individual's private information will result in an immediate and permanent ban from all TCG servers.
3. Trolling
Personal attacks, name-calling, trolling, or any other forms of abuse will not be tolerated.
4. Spam
Do not spam the channels - this includes excessive use of emotes, images, soundboards, and videos.
5. Topics
Discussions and comments should be kept relevant to the channels. Refrain from discussing divisive subjects such as politics and religion.
6. Inappropriate Content
Content considered to be “NSFW” (Not Safe For Work) or offensive is not allowed - this includes but is not limited to sexual content and violence as well as inappropriate symbols, images, usernames and excessive profanity.
7. Filters
Some of our bots automatically screen and remove messages containing banned words either by exact matches or via “wildcards." Attempting to bypass the filters or find loopholes around our rules is not permitted.
8. Pings
Be considerate to your fellow users and remember that this server includes people from around the world. Please keep pings to a minimum. Role pinging may be done to facilitate communication with a moderator, administrator, or staff member.
9. Advertising
Any advertisements that are not coordinated in direct collaboration with Community Directors are prohibited - this includes links to other discords without approval.
10. Reasonable Requests
Requests made by the TCG Staff, Moderator, or Admin teams must be followed. If you have an issue with a Moderator or Admin, please contact a member of the @TCG Staff.
11. Criticism
We always welcome constructive criticism however making disparaging and unsubstantiated comments about members of the TCG moderation team, openly criticizing moderation decisions or TCG in general may result in corrective action.
12. Decisions and Discretion
These rules are intended as general guide and are not exhaustive. Moderators, Admins, and Staff may moderate at their own discretion.

Ignorance of the rules does not make you exempt from the consequences of breaking them.
Corrective Actions
TCG will operate on a 3 Strike Basis. Simply put, Three strikes and you’re out.
Strike One:
Upon the First violation of the above ruleset, unless a personal attack or threat of violence, TCG Staff will issue a warning. This warning will be documented via the Perscom Community Guidelines Violation Portal for tracking purposes.
Strike Two:
Upon the Second Violation for similar offenses, TCG Staff can take the following actions:
Removal of Rank
Removal of TIG
Loss of Billet
Loss of Position
Tactical Combat Gaming Community
Removal of Community Membership Tag (If applicable)
Removal of {TCG} Moderator, Admin, or Staff roll.
If the violator is a “Guest”(has not met the requirements to receive {TCG} Member status) removal from {TCG}.
Strike Three:
Upon the Third Violation for similar offenses, a personal attack, or threat of violence, TCG Staff can take the following actions:
Discharge from Task Force Legion Milsim and Community Ban.
Tactical Combat Gaming Community
Community Ban.
In the case of disagreement over corrective actions taken by TCG Moderators, or TCG Administrators you may appeal to TCG Staff via the appeals forum of the TCG website. TCG staff will review the appeal and issue a decision. That decision is final.

Staff Organization
Below is the line-up of staff in TCG. This also includes their Moderation responsibilities in the community
TCG Community Directors:
Members of JTFC or those approved by TCG Community Owner.
TCG Staff:
Task Force Legion Company and Battalion Officers and gaming server Admins with 360 days in the community (Pending TCG Community Directors approval).
Inform members and Guests of the Community Guidelines. Ensure personnel are following the guidelines. If not, members of this group are allowed to take punitive actions per the above section.
TCG Administrator:
Task Force Legion Company and Battalion NCOs and gaming server Admins with 120 days in the community (Pending TCG Community Directors approval).
Inform members and Guests of the Community Guidelines. Ensure personnel are following the guidelines. If not, report to TCG Staff.
TCG Moderator:
Task Force Legion Platoon leaders/sergeants, Squad leaders and gaming server Admins with 60 days in the community (Pending TCG Staff approval).
Inform members and Guests of the Community Guidelines. Ensure personnel are following the guidelines. If not, report to a Community Admin.
Task Force Legion members E3 and up, as well as persons that have been in the community in good standing for 45 days (Pending TCG Administrator approval).
Persons who have agreed to the TCG Community Guidelines and are awaiting membership.